HRW censures Saudi women’s sport ban

On Monday, HRW said that Saudi women are banned from playing sports at schools and are also denied basic recreational activities, AFP reported.

Despite a Saudi announcement that women will be allowed to participate in the 2012 Olympics, the government in Riyadh has failed to address the fundamental barriers women face in playing sports, HRW added.

“Millions of (Saudi) girls are banned from playing sports in schools, and women are prohibited from playing team sports and denied access to sports facilities, including gyms and swimming pools,” HRW stated.

Minky Worden, director of global initiatives at HRW, said that the fact that “few (Saudi) women are qualified to compete at the Olympic level is due entirely to the country’s restrictions on women’s rights.”

He urged the Saudi authorities to “allow sports in schools (and) gyms for women and to add women to the Saudi National Olympic Committee immediately.”

The Arab monarchy is under pressure to allow women to enjoy simple but fun sports activities.

The government is also censured by Saudi women activists for its poor record in women’s rights.

Saudi Arabia’s embassy in London issued a statement on Sunday, announcing that Saudi women will be allowed to compete in the Olympic Games for the first time this year, but there has been no official confirmation of the report from Saudi Arabia.


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