Hurricane Irene: At least 10 dead and two million without power

London Telegraph
Aug 28, 2011

10.17 (05.17 EDT) New York’s Mayor Bloomberg has given a press conference in which he states “the time for evacuation is over”.

The Mayor tells New York residents to stay in their homes and ride out the storm together:

10.14 (05.14 EDT) Jon Swaine reports of a new post-Katrina rescue measure that’s being carried out in parts of New York:

Residents of Quogue, New York, who refused to leave their homes were visited by firemen and made to write their social security number on their arms in marker pen, in case they were later discovered dead.

10 dead and two million without power including 36,000 in New York
New York City on lock down. Anyone who failed to evacuate now told to stay inside and stay away from windows.
Irene moving north-northeast at 17mph (28 kph) with wind gusts of 115mph

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28 Responses to “Hurricane Irene: At least 10 dead and two million without power”

  1. On behalf off all the people who did not panic and blow thousands of dollars on generators, pallets of milk and batteries, and flashlights, searchlights, and disco lights and did not blow out the grocery shelves I would like to extend a sincere apology to all you weak people who did. Just keep listening to all the Big Government and media hype as your “protectors” and it won’t be long before you will be a quivering mass of spineless jelly. You took it all in, swallowed it all and can now feel good that in fifty years as you get carried into a nursing home you’ll have the battery market cornered.

  2. never let a crisis go to wast.. they had the devil box working in the power mode
    per plan to see how the people will react to all the fear mongering.. maybe a trial run to see how well the zombeis listen to – the given instructions by are government/ media saviors

  3. Oh what’s everyone so worried about? Its just a little water on ya dang head.

  4. Hey, eye of Irene came ashore at Coney Island…about, I guess, ten miles from where I live.

    We had wind and rain but did not lose power. Lucky us!

    I don’t like Michael Bloomberg, but if he erred, it was on the side of caution. The people in low lying areas (Area A on the scale) were begged to evacuate. The shelters were hardly used at all; we might assume many left to stay with family, etc. The ones who stayed for whatever reason did so of their own choice. Transportation to numerous shelters was provided, as would be food and water.

    I can second guess on many levels, but it appears safety for residents was job one. Bloomberg, as self-important as he is in his own mind, is not Georgie Bush. He did not take to the friendly skies and shirk his responsibilities as mayor, as GW did on 9/11– and citing Katrina–did not view NYC as GW did New Orleans from his jet, even if that were possible during a hurricane event. Georgie interrupted his vacation long enough to praise “Heckofajob Brownie” for nothing.

    Right now, many problems remain–possible flooding of sensitive electric cabels under Manhattan, which is surrounded on three sides by water. The Hudson River is swelling with water blown in from the storm, overtopping towns further north, as well. The more complex a situation, the more difficult it is to respond. Those underground cables feed the energy grid running the subways and power to homes and businesses and are vulnerable to salt water flooding.

    Time will tell if there was method in this madness. All I know is that life will return to normal, or as normal as NYC can be, soon. The cleanup will begin. Citizens will thank God they survived and thank the fates for sparing them from a even worse scenario. I hope the insurance companies won’t pull a Katrina caper and claim they aren’t responsible for the claims.

  5. 10 dead. I wish those people could be Blythe Lemaster, Jaime Diamond, Loyd Berstein, Bernanke, Paulson, Jay Rochfeller, mayor Bloomberg, Ceo of the New York stock exchange, Ceo of the Nas daq, and wow already at 9. So many targets so few bullets when the dollar collapses. It is too bad we could not have a lightning storm and use the lightning to target the thousands of criminals at Wall Street.

  6. much ado about nothing — in philly they are claiming 1 dead from a car crash that happened during the hurricane — I guess car crashes only happen when it’s breezy with a light rain

  7. What I want to know is if they’ve been gun-grabbing anywhere.

    • Maybe not this time, however there will be microchipping in the right arm soon, those tattoos wear away and mKe t difficult for us to realise what your beast number is.

  8. click on my name for a liberating preaching of the cross… (see also Links page: article “The Debt Ceiling Deal From Hell”, Chuck Baldwin Live: “Raising The Debt; Lowering The Boom” (all South Carolina Republican Congressmen and both US Senators voted No for The Debt Ceiling Deal From Hell”).

    • No.

  9. The east coast is use to a lot worse storms then this summer breeze.

  10. One good excuse for locking down a city and “getting people used to it”. Power abusers don’t realize people never get used to fury, though, it can only increase. They will begin to understand only when the first dozens of bullies are found hung. Retards start to think only when something hurts them.

  11. 10 dead is probably a far lower death rate if no hurricane occurred at all. On any given weekend people die of heart attacks, car accidents, drownings…and the hurricane probably saved lives by keeping people stuck at home. They are looking for any death they can to attribute to this storm so they can say ‘see, we warned you that it was bad.’ All the mayors and governors were saying how dire it was. Philly mayor was saying we’d be arrested and fined if found on the streets. In my area of Philadelphia it was no more than a strong storm. At one point for about an hour there was just a drizzle and hardly any wind (no, it was not the eye). So much hype. We spent like mad on preps and now they will use that spending data to say ‘see the retail economy is growing.’ Green shoots!

  12. I live in new york and its bad for some people. Depending on what area you live in. Stop acting like its over hyped. It’s not over hyped for the people with tree that smashed there home and for floods damaging the foundation of homes and businesses. People take for granted that they weren’t effected.

    • Riddle me this, is it common to have hurricanes in NY? When was the last one?

      • It’s not uncommon. I grew up in NYC (in NM now — it’s much better!) and remember going through at least 2 or 3 when I was a kid. And, gee, we lived through it without the help of the government!

  13. doomberg is a bitch!

  14. I am in New Hampshire and it is now a tropical depression centered right over-head. Rainy, windy, and power in-and-out, but not too bad here. Correct time now is 10:00 AM East Coast time.

    • It is about noon time here and I just lost main power, but will give me a chance to try out the back-up battery and generator … see you in a bit later hopefully …

      … OK, got generator and battery back-up going … how is the weather where you are?

  15. how could 10 be dead? thats probably the normal death rate even without the hurricane. the add here on this page for the 40 year light bulb fails to mention that its dull its poisonois and its so bad its not even something i want in my disposal sites, its made in china, to continue to use them only benefits the chinese, if they could be made in the USA and not be poisonous yes they would get my approval, but to approve these for consumers based only on the lifespan of the bulb and no way anyone will be able to recover from the lie if it only goes 10 or 20 even thats too long to remember the companies name you got it at. its all a joke they cant prove they will last that long they cant.

  16. it’s only a cat 1…. not like Katrina…. funny how main stream media recently posted an article of the storm being related to global warming…. the article was done on the 25 Aug, and suggested damage already that day?????? the storm barely hit on the 27 Aug??????, any how i’m from the coastal area of tx and cat 1 aren’t that bad and the gulf waters i might add are a lot warmer than the atlantic… so we will see what damage is done in nyc.. if its substantial to a cat 1….. 2 cents…

  17. i dont know what its like there, but if its anythn like the cyclone we had in australia not long ago. get the ef out!!

  18. i know this sounds way out there but is there a way to see if the haarp device is on right now? with sept 11 around the corner and the damage that is happening right now in nyc with the storm this could be something of use to what mr. pres was invoking about in his recent rhetoric… just a thought..

  19. Well isn’t that an effective way of assuring people of there safety.

  20. Part of the problem is that if they don’t come to rescue the people who decide to stay or drive or whatever the government gets criticized for it. The expectation of the government to take care of us is what fuels much of their tyranny.

  21. Just say you can’t find it right now and you haven’t memorized it. Most people normally don’t carry it with them or have it handy.

  22. I would have said, sorry, but I’m not just a number.

  23. don’t let these fuckahz tell ya u gotta leave ur property! even christie’s baby eating fat ass came out and admitted they can’t make ya leave!

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