Iain Duncan Smith challenges Simon Cowell to sign music company to work experience scheme

James Chapman

19:32 EST, 11 March 2012


05:07 EST, 12 March 2012

Iain Duncan Smith has issued an extraordinary challenge to Simon Cowell, in the latest in a series of spats between the two.

The Work and Pensions Secretary has urged Mr Cowell to sign his music company up to a flagship Government work experience scheme, telling the X Factor boss he must accept most young people will never enjoy a ‘career in front of a microphone’.

Mr Duncan Smith triggered a public row
with Mr Cowell after warning of the dangers of a ‘twisted culture’ that
thinks appearing on his programme is the ‘only route worth pursuing in



Pressure:  Iain Ducan Smith, left, has
urged Mr Cowell to sign his music company up to a flagship Government
work experience scheme

‘The belief that you can just sit at home or wait to become a TV star and that work simply lands in your lap, in turn, feeds the pernicious idea that success is not related to effort and work,’ Mr Duncan Smith wrote earlier this year in an article for the Daily Mail.

Mr Cowell responded by accusing the  minister of talking ‘complete rubbish’, adding: ‘I couldn’t disagree with him more. Not everyone has had Iain Duncan Smith’s upbringing . . . The whole point of the show is to give people who need a break a break.

Now Mr Duncan Smith has written to Mr Cowell, saying he will accept his offer to visit the programme - if he agrees to offer unemployed youths opportunities through the Government's controversial work experience scheme

Now Mr Duncan Smith has written to Mr Cowell, saying he will accept his offer to visit the programme – if he agrees to offer unemployed youths opportunities through the Government’s controversial work experience scheme

‘I’m going to offer Iain and his family front-row tickets to come and watch the show and see if it changes his opinion.’

Now Mr Duncan Smith has written to Mr Cowell, saying he will accept his offer to visit the programme – if he agrees to offer unemployed youths opportunities through the Government’s controversial work experience scheme.

Under the scheme, benefit claimants are asked to volunteer for work placements of up to two months.

‘We would agree that what most young people need is a chance, and for the majority that will not mean a career in front of a microphone,’ Mr Duncan Smith wrote.

‘I would like to invite you to offer a  few young people a chance to do work experience in Syco Entertainment, on our programme . . . If you can pledge these opportunities, it would be welcomed by everyone.’

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Take a look at the “work experience” of Dunce Duncan Smith…pathetic! He does not seem to understand that in the market or capitalist system employment arises out of the need for PAID labour. The employer needs labour, the employee needs money. The latter comes by way of salary. Unpaid work is all but useless because there is rarely any job at the end of it. If there is a job, it would have been available anyway and would have been a paid job from the start.

Cowell after his knighthood lol
I bet he’s offered and next week he does it.

would ids have had work experance yougster instead of his wife being paid for being his junior

of course Cowell wont take up the challenge – there’s no money in it for him
– the doc, Glasgow, 12/3/2012 08:39…..Ah but there would be, don’t forget for every unemployed person put onto any 1 of the categories of the 5 slave schemes the company giving them the “training” recieves a subsidy of £2000 courtesy of the taxpayer, so Syco would be raking it in even more. This work experience scheme is a complete scam, all it is doing is fiddling the unemployment figures and making the companies participating rich.

“he must accept most young people will never enjoy a ‘career in front of a microphone’. ”
Er we think Cowell knows that already and of course IDS knows he knows it too. No, Cowell and IDS as do we all know that Cowell is in it purely for the advertising revenue and phone-in revenue from the stupid people.

of course Cowell wwont take up the challenge – there’s no money in it for him

how about this for an idea, there are jobs out there to be done at a given rate , so why not employ some of the unemployed in those. If the work is availabler, then take them on , at minimum wage if need be at first, but stop this idiotic patronising confidence destroying scheme,which is nothing more than exploitation of the vulnerable.

The XF essentially is a work experience scheme. There is no job at the end of it for most.

Just remember there’s a round table somewhere near Downing Street that consists of a few people that twiddle their thumbs to come-up with new creative ideas to get the idol out of work folks that cannot find work because there is no work because of the Global economic situation, back to work. Clearly the system is flawed. Wouldn’t it be better to put energy into adjusting the system so to prevent this flaw happening again? Meanwhile the finger pointing will continue regardlessly.

I never understand Simon Cowell’s argument, all IDS said was to suceed needs hardwork, ie. effort and work, which is true. The winners of X-Factor who have been successful are the ones who have worked hard after the competition is over rather than expecting it to be easy.
Simon Cowell seemed to be arguing just to make publicity.

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