Ian McEwan: misery of attack on Iran would be beyond belief

Lisa Allardice
March 25, 2012

Ian McEwan, the writer whose 2005 novel Saturday was widely interpreted as making the case for military intervention in Iraq, said on Sunday any attack on Iran with the aim of destroying its nuclear capability would end in disaster.

Speaking at the Guardian’s Open Weekend festival, McEwan said: “I belong to that very large cohort who think it would be absolutely disastrous to attack Iran … I think the mischief and misery and unintended consequences of an attack on Iran would be beyond belief.”

McEwan’s Saturday is set on 15 February 2003, the day of a huge anti-war demonstration in London. He said the debate over intervention in Iran mirrored the arguments over Iraq in 2003, but said that readers were wrong to attribute to him the pro-war views of Saturday’s neurosurgeon hero, Henry Perowne.

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20 Responses to “Ian McEwan: misery of attack on Iran would be beyond belief”

  1. Over and over, it needs to be repeated. We will NOT attack Iran. It makes no sense. Everyone knows this. Stop worrying yourselves to death.

  2. The media is at the forefront of the greatest lie in history. We, as a people must step back and ask ourselves these questions:
    Why is it that the only people in society today that can be “Racist” are White?
    Why is it encouraged for any race but the White race to have pride in their race?
    Why are we, as White people having “Diversity” forced upon us, in all White countries and only White countries?
    What is happening is not by chance, it is by design.
    Anti-Racist is a codeword for Anti-White.

  3. Interesting Tag I am it. In my 2101 novel, “Night of Screams”, the ‘conquering army’ wore purple berets. Possibly related…I know of a Chicago-based trucking firm that just took delivery on 25,000 shipping containers (convenient upgrade from the Nazi cattle cars).

  4. The misery of Iran with a nuclear weapon would be beyond belief!

    • The miserable state of your understanding of even the most basic nuclear concepts is well within belief given your propensity to buy into the bullshit narrative regarding Iran’s even remote capability to assemble and deploy a fission weapon.

    • yea misery for israel maybe …..what ever iran does to them trust me they had it coming.

      I wonder if there is a special place in Hell for these God Damn jews.

    • Iran cannot produce nuclear weapons, and even if they did, Israel has hundreds.

      • And countries need deterrents to the terrorist west and child rape rings.

      • It seems the ones without Nukes is not likely to be attacked with atomics!

  5. The sinking of the USSS, Enterprise ,which by the way is set to be decommissioned next year,cannot be allowed. The insanity of sending the Enterprise to the bottom of the gulf in a false flag operation is beyond concept. The evil that exsists that is capable of doing such a dastardly deed can only be attributed to the enemy of mankind, Satan.

  6. The “misery” of attack in Iran? Has this entire country gone insane? Americans have already been attacked on ALL fronts.. By their own government and we’re talking about misery in Iran? Forgive me for sounding selfish (cause I’m not).. But, this is the least of our worries.
    One president of this country already knew over 3K ppl were to be killed on 911.. he wiped away as many rights as he could. The next dark horse came and he took it up as many notches as was possible and has now signed martial law into effect shortly after declaring war on USA citizens by declaring it legal to kidnap up any one of us.. false imprison any one of us.. torture any one of us any time he feels like it without any trial etc.. and the list goes on and on. We’re not permited to even travel unless we’re not on the no fly list and submit to cancer causing xrays or demeaning interigations by our own peers.

    Fu*k Iran and Fu*k Isreal while your at it. This is America and it’s time to start to worry about America. It’s time to really strat to worry about the socialist eliment that has taken over our society and others and seems to think it’s OK to give the “keys to the city” to the scapegoat.

    • i agree with you but I wonder if there is a special place in Hell for these God Damn Jews.

  7. fuck oni66a

  8. There is a pre-occupation over Iran Wars and Israel.
    What about
    American problems of what we can do at home and not, I mean phk Israel WTF.
    This is getting to be deafening.
    There is never any conversation about how we solve the problems in America.
    It is always more scare crap and the boogie man thing.
    Smoke a bown and chill the phk out man.
    Who gives a rats ass about Israel or Iran.
    We already know the government is ran by foreigners from wherever it does not matter.
    The fact remains the elephant in the room is WTF are you going to do about it.

    • Onion :
      I cannot argue with logic like yours… But what is a ” bown”? combo of bowl and bone?
      Either way… I still agree !
      I have heard it said that the American attention span is five miles wide but only 6 inches deep…

      • aw shit onion is on here again god damn it.

  9. Please follow along

    1913 – Federal Reserve (private bank) created
    1914 – WWI Starts
    11/11/18 @ 11:11 GMT WWI not ended, but an Armistice
    (fast forward)
    9/11/1991 – Daddy Bush speaks of a ‘Real chance at a New World Order’
    9/11/2001- Junior Bush gets his ‘chance’
    11 years of ‘prep’ for a world on edge about Terrorism
    11 years of war on Terrorism
    2008 -Obama
    Council of Governors created (10) covering 9 of 10 FEMA regions (FEMA V region not covered by Governor)
    NDAA Passed by Congress waiting Pres.’s signature (11/11)
    Gov’t puts out contracts to prepare and staff ‘FEMA Camps’ (11/11)
    Dec. 31, 2012 – Obama signs NDAA
    Jan-March 2012 – Sec. of Defense Panetta tells Congress Executive Branch owns the Military and runs it by U.N./NATO orders (told Congress is now militarily ceremonial). Anti ‘protest’ bill passes squashing First Amendment. Executive Order National Defense Recourses Preparedness (not numbered) is signed March 16, 2012 (3-16-12) by Obama detailing Exec. Ord. 12919 (Clinton FEMA order 1994) and more. 3-16-12 United States Constitution, Congress, and Supreme Court officially made ceremonial by this Exec. Ord. authorized in “peacetime“ (anytime). Same week FEMA Corps introduced. Same week a one year order for Homeland Security for 450,000,000 (450 Million) rounds of .40 cal. ammunition is contracted (with 5 year extension on the contract for more if needed).
    Late May 2012 – G8 (ALL world leaders invited (U.N.) and NATO summit to be held in Chicago, ILL. (FEMA region V) at the same time. G8 moved to Camp David (fortified, secure, private Presidential Compound).

    I feel things have been set up for a test run (false flag) somewhere around May of 2012. One year from now FEMA Corps is supposed to be at full capacity/strength/operational, 450 Million .40 Cal rounds should have been delivered to Homeland Security.

    Scenario: Severe racial tensions (civil unrest) in U.S. over Trevon Martin out of Florida stew for the next 7 weeks and the system gets one final ‘check’ with NATO hunkered down in FEMA Region V (Chicago) in ‘command’ and the world leaders ’commanding’ in Camp David late May of 2012. (Possible reason to cancel elections in U.S.)

    World tensions/economy continue to stretch for about another year or so. But nothing ’major’ happens because final preparations are still taking place and the storyline being fulfilled.

    2013 A biological is ‘released’ somehow/somewhere and the world goes on alert (survival of mankind issue). Full power of Executive Order National Defense Recourses Preparedness is enacted. U.N/NATO troops stationed/trained/prepared on U.S. soil used, FEMA FEMA Corps (civilians) used, combat trained/supplied local cops used, mandatory (forced) check ups/round ups with shoot to kill orders (450 Millions rounds .40 cal. ammo (side arms)) for anyone not ’playing ball’ because of the fast spread and high death rate of said biological. ((Read National Defense Recourses Preparedness. Bio/chem ONLY thing mentioned by name. NOT nuclear or general warfare))

    The Federal Reserve was created in 1913. WWI started in 1914. We are now in the 99th anniversary of the Federal Reserve and 98th anniversary of the start of WWI. Was/is there a ‘100 year’ goal for the complete topple of the Republic of the United States (dissolution of the Constitution) leading to a possible ‘100 year’ goal of the official One World Government? They love their numbers and their dates. Georgia Guidstones # 1 – World population at around 500, 000,000 (500Million)

    • you posted this on another thread and I’ve been thinking about it all day. Sobering.

  10. DirkMarine, I think you’re right UN/NATO people are likely already training here. The local public indoor (pistol) range abruptly closed last summer while my son and I were there. Before they could hang the “closed” sign in the window (we were shopping to see what was up…it was weird, the whole thing…we’re regulars there…) a group of twelve, thin, young anglos with dark hair speaking in some language we did not recognize entered fully armed with long guns and drop leg holsters. The patches on their fatigues appeared to be English language but we couldn’t get close enough to be sure. They had a handler that looked American (big gut, baseball cap, local dialect) and got their range passes settled.
    These guys were totally geared-up with body armor, elbow and knee pads, finger gloves and carried ammo in 5 gallon plastic buckets. No caps or hats though on any of them. The fatigues were a digital pattern of darks: mostly black, dark grey and purple. Anyone know what that might represent? We thought perhaps Turkey?
    When we left, of note were two white extended passenger vans with US Govt tags in the parking lot but no other identifiers.

    • This scab union is in every graduating police class.. every platoon.. every bake sale in America. We ARE the UN. We ARE paying them to imprison us all.

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