Immigrants in Hungary Head to German Border on Government Buses and Walking on Foot


Footage showed migrants — frustrated with the Hungarian authorities, who have blocked their way by rail — starting the walk from Budapest toward Germany. Others remained in a standoff with the police.

Budapest – After a day of defiance by increasingly desperate refugees, the government of Hungary metaphorically threw up its hands Friday and offered to bus thousands of migrants to the Austrian border, sending the crisis spinning closer to the heart of the Continent.

An aide to Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in a statement that the buses would transport the thousands still thronging the Keleti railroad station in Budapest and the approximately 1,200 people who stormed out of the train station earlier on Friday and set off on foot toward the Austrian border.

“This does not automatically mean that they can leave the country,” the official, Janos Lazar, said. “We are waiting for the Austrian government’s response.” He added that the government was doing this to avoid blockage of the nation’s transit system.

It was not clear what the government planned for the thousands already being held in reception centers around the country, nor what the Austrian government would do when confronted with thousands of refugees at its borders. On Thursday the Hungarian government made a similar offer of a train ride to the west, but then tried to force the migrants off the train and bus them to a refugee camp outside Budapest.

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Walking on foot to Vienna

Youtube description: Hundreds of asylum-seekers and refugees who have been stuck for days at Budapest’s Keleti train station began marching out of the city on Friday, vowing to make it to Austria and Germany on foot. (Sept. 4)


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