‘Imprisonment in Israel, living in graves’

The comment comes as human rights organizations from several countries have united to support hunger striker Khader Adnan’s fight for the rights of the Palestinian political prisoners.

There is also the case of Hana Shalabi who has been released from an Israeli prison but deported for three years to the Gaza strip where she is unable to see her parents.

Meanwhile, the activists are calling to make the Palestinian Political Prisoners’ Day on 17 April 2012 a day of international action.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Palestinian university lecturer Abdulaziz Umar to further discuss the issue. The following is a transcription of the interview.

Press TV: There is so much to talk about the rights of the Palestinian prisoners but what do you think are the pressing topics?

Umar: Well, in fact the prisoners would not go on a hunger strike … for a week or months … until they reach very critical circumstances in their lives in prison.

The prisoners are living now without dignity. They are attacked at night. They are being searched, stripped naked before the soldiers and the other prisoners by force, deprived of the visit of their families and even more than that is the isolation, the solitary confinement.

Those prisoners in the solitary cells spending now more than ten years in 2 square meters, square cells, isolated from the world, they just live in graves and their families do not know anything about them, they’re not allowed to contact their families and they are deprived of everything.

Some of them are suffering from handicaps and others are even suffering from psychological problems. Of course they spend all this long time in these dark cells under occupation without having any access to the external world.

Press TV: Dr. Umar, when you were arrested in very traumatic circumstances in 2004, how were you treated?

Umar: Well, as a Palestinian academic and intellectual I was terribly tortured in order to breakdown my mind and then to break me down psychologically and physically and they said that they wanted to do that to me. They said that I would be either paralyzed or killed in prison and they began to terribly torture me.

At the beginning they used new ways, like they used me as a Guinea pig for their experiments. They just used strange painful beam of ray against my brain and sometimes they used electric shocks with electric mattresses and sometimes they used strange chemical materials that affected the brain and the nervous system.

And finally they left me for a very long period of time in a solitary cell without anything, without the simplest circumstances for life, without mattresses, without clothes, without anything and I spent about 35 days in that cell without even knowing anything about the external world or the time. That was so so terrible and it was a continuous course of terrible suffering for more than seven years.

Press TV: Dr. Abdulaziz Umar, thank you so much for your testimony here.


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