Indonesia’s ‘nightmare’ zoo

The government appointed an experienced zookeeper, Tony Sumampouw, to clean up
the operation and he struggled, with some success, to bring the mortality
rate down to about 15 per month.

But following last week’s death of the 30-year-old giraffe “Kliwon”
– who had for years been eating litter and trash thrown into its pen and was
found with a 18-kilogram (40-pound) ball of plastic in its stomach –
Sumampouw said he has all but given up.


Nothing short of a “total renovation” is needed, he said.

“We need to either think about privatising or transferring out some of
the animals.”

With entrance fees of less than £1.50, critics say there’s not enough money to
care for the animals, much less invest in improving the zoo’s facilities.

One of the biggest problems is overcrowding.

Whereas most zoos limit the number of animals born in captivity – taking into
consideration how many can reasonably be cared for or exchanged with other
zoos – the notion of “family planning” has not yet taken off
here. Contraceptives are expensive and there are not adequate facilities to
separate males and females. As result, species at the Surabaya zoo are bred
to excess.

The 180 pelicans are kept in a pen the size of a volleyball court. Nearby, 16
tigers – 12 Sumatran and four Bengalese – are kept in a prison-like row of
concrete cages.

One white tiger, whose parents were donated by the Indian government nearly 20
years ago, is now covered by skin legions.

Let out so rarely, she suffers from back complications that make it difficult
to just stand up, let alone walk, zoo curator Sri Pentawati said.

“There are too many tigers,” she lamented. “We have a hard time
rotating them out to get all the exercise they need.”

Rahmat Shah – a well known big-game hunter with a museum in the city of Medan
that is filled with rhinos, big cats and other animals he’s shot around the
world – currently heads Indonesia’s National Zoo Association. He says none
of the zoos run by the government are in good condition, but that Surabaya
is especially troubled, due to a bitter internal rift.

Two men who each claimed to be the zoo’s chief were fired several years ago,
but their followers among the staff have continued the feud.

Police believe the poisoning death of a Javan warthog in January, found with
traces of cyanide in its stomach, was linked to that conflict.

“One side is always trying to discredit the other,” said Ludvie
Achmad, head of a local conservation agency.

Sumampouw acknowledged he has had little success in controlling the
undisciplined staff.

He said he believes some animals, including three young Komodos that
disappeared last year, were stolen by caretakers and sold into the exotic
pet trade.

Zookeepers also have been accused of taking meat meant for the tigers and
selling it in the local market.

Source: AP

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