Inquiring minds can now get their National Enquirer gossip fix on iPad

Admit it. You’ve sneaked glances at The National Enquirer as you’ve waited in line to pay for groceries at the store. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, we’ve all be pulled in by headlines like “Mother delivers three-headed conjoined alien twins” and wanted to peek. In fact, those furtive glances seem far less voyeuristic than those used in the age of TMZ, Perez Hilton and the 24-hour news cycle that becomes more tabloid by the day.

But, like all print periodicals The Enquirer needs to boost flagging sales of their dead-tree (print) version to stay relevant in the digital gossip age. They’ve done so admirably in an extremely polished iPad app called Enquirer Plus that’s free to download and currently has a free, full issue to try out.

I must note my shock at not finding any stories of extra terrestrials or Elvis sightings. It seems the former giant of the incredulous has become a rather traditional, dare I say mainstream, gossip magazine with images of Lindsay Lohan’s latest botched plastic surgery and Brangelina’s wedding.

In spite of my disappointment at not being more shocked and awed, I have to give props where they’re due. The publishers integrate their rag well with iOS using Newsstand and including lots of interactive elements, built in social networking, and an eye-catching design that looks vibrant on new and old iPads alike. And with special features like exclusive videos there is a lot here for the tabloid junkie to enjoy.

Single issues following the free preview will be priced at an impulsive-buy compatible $0.99 with a monthly subscription going for $2.99 and annual subscriptions only $29.99. Gossip fans will love this app, and if you’ve always wanted to peek between the covers here’s your chance for a private, prurient preview.

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