International Refugee Day: Palestinian Refugees issue at British Parliament

[ PIC 08/06/2012 – 10:18 AM ]

LONDON, (PIC)– The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) will commemorate international refugee day by hosting a number of events across Europe. The events will commence in the UK on 18 June and end in Geneva 22 June. International Refugee Day is an annual event launched by the United Nations to highlight the plight of millions of refugees worldwide who are forced to flee their homes.

The events will be organized in partnership with the Council for European Palestinian Relations which will organize various events across Europe to focus on the legal, political and humanitarian aspects of the plight of Palestinian refugees.

A key event will take place at the British House of Commons on Monday, 18th of June. Key speakers will include Ian Murray, Jeremy Corbyn MP, a Palestinian refugee representative, Salman Abu Sitta, Muhamad al Hamid and others to be confirmed.

Palestinian refugees comprise of the largest and longest standing case of refugees and displaced persons in modern history. 2012 marked the 64th anniversary of the Nakba, the beginning of their ongoing cycle of exile and dispossession.

64 years on Palestinians all over the world are facing many desperate challenges. In Israel, Gaza, Jerusalem, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jerusalem, Libya, Brazil and across many other parts of the world, Palestinians are subjected to gross violations of their basic human rights.

The Arab Spring and the war in Syria have again highlighted the precarious existence of Palestinians across the region.

This event will bring to light many of the challenges confronting Palestinian refugees.

In Pictures | The Nakba

In Pictures | Palestinians Commemorate Al Nakba | 2011

More pictures in the Gallery  Images | الصور

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