Internet Hits All-Time High as News Source, TV at All-Time Low, Says Pew

Terence P. Jeffrey
CNS News
Sept 25, 2011


The Internet has risen to its all-time high as a primary source of news for Americans with 43 percent now saying they get most of their news on national and international issues from the web, according to a survey published Thursday by the Pew Research Center for The People The Press.

Meanwhile, television sits at an all-time low as a primary source of news for Americans with only 66 percent now saying they get most of their national and international news from TV–a nadir television also hit in December 2010.

Since 1991, Pew has periodically asked Americans: “How do you get most of your news about national and international issues?”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

In this survey, respondents are allowed to give up to two answers. (So, a person can cite both television and the Internet, or television and radio, or newspapers and television, etc., as the places where they get most of their news–and the combined percentages for the various sources can add up to more than 100 percent).

In the two decades Pew has been tracking this trend in American news sources, television peaked as the primary source of news for Americans at the time s of the September 2001 terrorist attacks, when 90 percent said they got most of their news from TV. Television nearly returned to that level in March 2003, during the invasion of Iraq, and September 2005, during Hurricane Katrina. At both those times, 89 percent said they got most of their national and international news from TV.

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34 Responses to “Internet Hits All-Time High as News Source, TV at All-Time Low, Says Pew”

  1. Breaking News

    The Feds have taken over the main stream media to suppress the following story. They’re writing the headlines and have the majority of comments on every site discrediting anyone who exposes it.

    This is the real story that the media is not and cannot report on. Here’s what Osama, Obama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, 9/11, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last election and the military’s overthrow of our government. Search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret.blogspot before it’s removed.

  2. I just read about the “Red Plan” also known as the “Atlantic Strategic War Plan”….. “was a plan for the United States to make war with Great Britain (the “Red” forces). It was developed by the United States Army during the mid 1920s, approved in May 1930 by the Secretary of War and the Secretary of Navy, updated in 1934–35, and officially withdrawn in 1939, following the outbreak of the Second World War, when it and others like it were replaced by the five “Rainbow” plans created to deal with the Axis threat. However, it was not declassified until 1974.” It is amazing what you can learn about on the internet! I was never taught about any of the war plans in World or American history class!

    • I forgot to say the “Red Plan” was to attack Canada first to provoke a war with Britain.

  3. Theres news on TV? I thought those were like joke comedy style news shows like used to be on Saturday Night live, back when it was good.

  4. Television ‘News’ has adopted the style of reporting. For those who love celebrities, then the TV is the place to go. It is about style, not substance. It is personalities, not issues. The goal is to paint a picture in the viewers mind that makes one think he is one of the informed.

  5. Thought cloud seen over EVERY TV news room:

    “Oh no! People are accessing the internet, instead of watching TV and swallowing hook, line, and sinker EVERYTHING the talking heads tell them? They are checking mutiple sources to verify what they are reading is factual, accurate, and not propaganda? Why we can’t have that– we must call for FEDERAL RESTRICTION on who is allowed to have internet access. We can’t have a bunch of unwashed bitter-clingers thinking for themselves!”

  6. Stands to reason…

    More people have access to the internet at work, on their phones, etc than they do TV at work, on the street, etc…

    FUCKK the mainstream media anyway….it’s just entertainment….

  7. This is a perfect example of why Infowars needs to remain online and avoid cable like the plague it truly is. Why hitch your wagon to a fading star?

    • with Jesse Venture got amazingly high ratings. People are so thirsty for real news, it would be a refreshing difference. Maybe it could become such a ratings leader people would just be stunned and stop watching the usual cable chewable crud. Just a thought.

    • Why? Market saturation…

    • Internet kill switch is one good reason to spread out and not put all your eggs in one basket.

  8. Signs of the collapse of globalism are heart-warmingly welcome. Many know of the impending failure of the EU, but few of us know of the secret arrests of 4,000 NWO, of the secret Red and Green Chinese society, six million strong, committed to wiping out the NWO if they persist in mass murders, and of the legions of loyals in our military and other government institutions adamantly opposed to depopulation.

    Much of this seems to be reliable information from Benjamin Fulford, in this website:


    We like the reference to The Wizard of Oz, in which the curtain was drawn back, and there sits a little old man at the controls. The grand illusion of globalization damaged our world irreparably, but we now know that the shriveled and conniving leaders are known to the world, and have no future other than death.

    Now comes to mind what we shall do after they’re gone. Power fills a vacuum. Some surviving fascists will try it all over again. Not all of the forces warring against the NWO will be friendly or freedom loving. Also, there are religious tyrants hoping to ride the coattails to victory. And apocalyptics. And gangs and bullies. And worst of all, gullible masses too lazy to dig out the facts and a deeply held readiness to swallow whatever they hear.

    We see encouraging signs of spirituality in emerging websites. But we see almost no interest in our true situation……equal participants in the making of our reality.

    The facts of reality are not taught in school other than as snapshots of passing philosophers. Religion and government stop at nothing to discredit or obliterate reality because it uproots their propaganda. Reality is never approached in the mainstream news, never discussed over dinner, rarely between lovers, never referenced in political speeches, and never understood by most before they pass on unprepared into reality’s eternity.

    The masses know nothing of reality because it has been withheld from them, but also because they’ve been unable to separate reality from “truth”. Religion likes us to believe that reality is somehow “nested” in truth, and that truth floats above the world. Could we dare to look at the difference staring us cold in the face, we would be shocked to learn that “truth”, i.e., Absolute Truth, which arrogantly defines God, God’s will, morality, sexuality, and to which church we should belong, is completely opposite to reality. Reality is not aligned with any religion. It does not tell us how to live. Reality just is. An uncertain, ever changing, eternally unfinished, infinite sea of dreams!

    As we view the scientific evidence that reality is dreamlike, manifested from our thoughts, and consider how particles appear from and disappear into nowhere, we see that our tangible-seeming universe is a masterful illusion. As we explore the implications of the Literal Present, vanishingly small, infinitesimal, incapable of harboring time or space, or any experience of life, we ask where does the experience of life occur.

    There appears no other possibility than that the experience of life occurs in Consciousness. Reality is nothing but Dreamers and Dreams. And the Master Dreamer, God, lovingly divested dreaming powers to Soul, you and I, and every extraterrestrial, so that we may experiment and thus learn more of love. God gave us TOTAL FREEDOM…….not commandments…….ultimatums…….morality codes…….sin and damnation…….saviors…….bibles…….preachers…….or popes.

    You cannot truly love another, unless you give freedom. Call it “unconditional love”!
    This is the light in which we should build our new, galaxy-class civilization!

    Is reality random? It is in the context of uncertainty……the utter unpredictability of anything. Scientific disputes over the validity of cause and effect rage on, likely because they’ve missed the most important concept…….space-time events are illusory events hosted by Consciousness in its quest to model relationships and therefrom to gain meaning, awareness and greater love. Action/reaction includes more that physical entities, it really begins in our consciousness, and consciousness is fickle in an infinite, heaving, ocean of uncertainty. The paradox of reality is that it is both uncertain and purposeful.

    You never hear this in religion, which denies us freedom to approach God on our own terms. Though reality, unveiled, is challenging, it will never fail us, as will the pretty bubbles of truth.

    Returning to our mention that power fills a vacuum, will that vacuum be our ignorance of the true nature of reality? Reality is all we have ever been, all we are now, and all we ever shall be. Why lovers come and go begins in reality. Why truth’s promises are
    made to be broken begins in reality. How the NWO manifested out of our own dishonestys begins in reality.

    This time, this hour, this moment, we are at the crossroads. Do we build a new reality-based civilization in which tyranny is a distant evil memory? Or do we march the ruts of control by others, nailed to the crosses of truth and handcuffed in tyrannolaw?

    We cannot, and we must not, as lovers of freedom who think and act for ourselves, return to what we were—spiritually ignorant, ethically diseased, dispossessed of responsibility, greedy, hateful, and warring between ourselves over illusions of religious truth.

    Religious truth, all of it, is far removed from reality. It gave birth to the “rule of law”, and upon this profitable fallacy was built empires whose despotic leaders use us but care nothing for us. You know that religion is a religion of hate and the enemy of freedom the moment someone slimes you with unprovable bible verses and damns you to hell for daring to disagree.

    You want to live in reality? Drop every truth in the world, and explore reality…….courageously, intelligently, earnestly, and honestly! The yearning to discover reality is true spirituality. The childish dependency on the comforts of truth makes religion prosper, but not the soul.

  9. the future is low tech. sorry geeks.

  10. MSM is heading for the dust bins. They are terrible!

    EXAMPLE TODAY: Just this morning, MSNBC was on (at a friends) and they were talking about the Republican “front runners”. You guessed it, Ron Paul was not even mentioned as being in the race, like he didn’t even exist!!


    After all that, the newsbitch said “Well it looks like Ron Paul did get in the spotlight…”
    Then, in a clip only meant to smear him, they compared Dr. Paul to someone who would leave puppies in a burning building because of his staunch conservative principles.

    They ended the clip by calling him a sick old man. It was DISGUSTING !!!
    I am so done with listening to ANYTHING they have to say.

    • Even mentioning the name Ron Paul is absolutely a forbidden thing, unless of course they mention it in a negative context. After all, they are following ORDERS,

    • Don’t these people have children? If they do I wouldn’t want them as my parents.

      • They have people who do the “children” thing for them.

  11. There just isn’t anything even watchable on MSM news. I never watched it because it seems to appeal to people with simple minds wanting 8th grade news that just churns out propaganda and more propaganda. The Net, certain sources including this one, really do keep me informed about what is truly happening. Some people I know say, “I never watch the news, it scares me”. Pretty infantile. They also repeat the same stories over and over and over.

    CNN, FOX, MSNBC are pathetic examples of government controlled propaganda apparatus, rigged jobs that read White House press release, stuff direct from the DOD or CIA. Yes they have hot looking reporters but there is NO MEANINGFUL CONTENT. Further, they just run the same stories over and over again. I might ask friends well did you see any coverage of specific stories and they are no, and no, again. Some older adults were worried about that piece of space satellite that fell into the Pacific. I responded, hmm, how interesting. No one with a mind is watching main stream news.

    Then, on Sunday, they have these completely unwatchable news interviews where the same lying political and bureaucratic do nothing scum get together with their media collaborators and lackies to answers soft questions. This continues the false left right paradigm.

    The most I do watch is Fox Business News or CNBC to see what is happening in the markets.

    When people choose to be brainwashed as opposed to getting the real news from the Net, that is their choice. BTW, I also lose respect for such people. Not only are they not awake they are deceived.

    I think CABLE NEWS IS OVER for my generation. Just the way the same people that watch that garbage that comes from the lame networks at night near dinner are pretty much grandparents.

    For people of my generation to be watching TV news for real news is similar to expecting Coke to turn to carrot juice. Their days are numbered.

    • “There just isn’t anything even watchable on MSM news”

      I beg to differ, they have the best graphics and ticker in the industry.


    • So you have no respect for people that watch television news, nut you eatch Fox business news?


      What a douche

      • First learn how to spell. Second I tend to watch CNBC for specific reasons and what certain analysts have to say. Now go and finish your Cheerios, sugar and milk and make sure you change your jammies because they stink and do what your mom tells you to do. Then go surf some hot porn sites because you can’t get the real thing. Also, make sure you make a plan to move out of the basement sometime next year. If you do, I will buy you a toxic happy meal from MickeyD’s! You wad.

        • Okay, I apologize for my typos. You got me on that one.

          So you need an “analyst” on tv to tell you business news, but other people that watch analysts on tv news are deceived and not worthy of respect?

          Sorry for calling you a douche.

          You are a narcissistic asshole.

        • Man you really need to get some. You are just out there spamming and attacking for the sake of attacking. I was referring to CEO’s and market analysts to see who is on the same page. Go ride your bike, take a walk, and make sure to take your little cell fon in case you need to call home. Get a life instead of being a no brain meaningless reactionary twit. You even suck at being a halfway decent keyboard warrior. Never have seen you offer any kind of coherent counter argument. The best you can do is meaninglessly annoy people. You are like a fly in the car a person cannot wait to stop and swat.

    • Well said skywatcher. Are the weak minded brain-washed or just stupid? What happend to free thinking intelligent people? I guess most of em are here….

      • I tend to think people get addicted to that meaningless crap called MSM or news. They need to break the habit and understand that there is no such thing as collective thinking. The brightest minds in this country are independent thinkers who reason and make up their minds for themselves. It is also sadly the result of poor public education systems that do not equip people with the abilities to think for themselves and use critical thinking thinking methods and comparative analysis.

        These people are addicted out of habit. People are waking up slowly and 43 percent is a big number. The MSM play this game of TRUST ME, other station blasts, NO TRUST ME. The news they say you can count on is the news you should never trust. There are plenty of free thinking intelligent people.

        I have a friend who refuses to even buy a TV, he happens to be very bright, so he uses this line on people that I find pretty interesting. He comes in contact with a lot of people in a day and when he sees someone interesting he says “Tell me a story”. As in he is testing people to see what they have on their minds. He says it in a slightly disarming way. You would be amazed how many people cannot even narrate a simply interesting story of what happened or what is going on. These are informed people =)

        • We can’t all be independent thinkers that get our “critical critical thinking methods” from fox or nbc like you.

        • You have psychological issues. I think people in your income category, below poverty, get that stuff for free, so make an appointment with someone who can help you…..get a life.

  12. HOLY SH*T! Read Chapter one of Resistance of a New America at PercyClayNovels blogspot. Everything in that book is really starting to happen and the book isnt even out yet! if you dont believe me look it up your self Go to google and just type Resistance of a New America and the blogspot should come up..this is to intense! Read it and tell everyone you know to check it out as well it is 10 times more hardcore than G.O’s 1984 and more accurate!

    • check out Atlas Shrugged by Ain Rand

      She was a Rothchild mistress

      see how it works for the elites is…they believe in Lucifarianism which is the benevolent devil…the opposite of Jesus and Moses and that story. They have to get permission from the people to inflict all the harm they do, it’s part of their belief system and if you ever call them out, they say the people asked for it.

      see so they cause food shortages then say we have these super GMO crops and the mindless freaks say ya ya we want that. then you find out it causes sterility and all kinds of other problems.

      so this Atlas Shrugged book is about how 1 man stopped the heart beat of a whole planet.

      it’s the story of the Earth. i don’t know what page ‘we’ are on but imagine we are close to the part where the world turns into a dystopia….maybe 1 or 2 paragraphs away from that part…

      anyways, don’t believe a word i am saying, check it out or yourself. it is much more rewarding

  13. STOP watching ABC,CBS,NBC, fox all American media is full of Lying crap heads, I can’t stand their selective coverage of events, their pushing of Puppet politicians while they pretend RON PAUL does not exist. They Push their Gay agenda full bore, even the Am IDOL, or Am Got Talent, X Factor pushes contestants through if they are Flaming Gays. Turn off US Main Media, Wake Up You American Zombies, Stop Buying any product that has a Commercial, Stop watching SPORTS and start paying sports yourselves you lazy Fools- NFL, MLB, NBA It’s all for Lazy Idiots who are mental midgets. BOYCOTT ALL AMERICAN PRODUCTS AND MEDIA AND SPORTS AND MEDIA. The media Elites are Ass Pirates and Carpet munchers who laugh as us FOOLS who eat their bullshit and lies and crappy events up-cause THEY TELL US TO.

  14. “Don’t hate the media, become the media.” ~ Jello Biafra

    click on my name for more

  15. I’ve said this before, especially in light of Sen. Jay Rockefeller’s comments and wishes.
    It’s a natural “free market” occurrence.
    Over air network TV—Nothing neater, nothing sweeter… (UHF!, are you kidding me?)
    Cable—Boy, that was just the great thing, adios aerial.
    Satellite—like cable, ‘cept better.
    Internet—(remains to be seen), but look at the sponsors and the commercials.
    Look at the companies carrying programming (i.e. Xfinity=Comcast).
    I get PPTV and GBTV and it’s good, when it doesn’t “buffer” or crap out completely.
    But it’s already co-opted.
    When some says they “get their news from the internet, that may be MSNBC, FOX, CNN, etc.
    Even Jones sites run clips from these “clip joints”.
    “Nudge” everyone to the internet (hey, it’s cheaper…now) and then pull a Lieberman and shut ‘er down.
    Huh, Joe?

    • hurried typing=flubs

  16. That’s why the internet needs to be protected at all costs.

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