Invisible Children Releases Kony 2012 Sequel

April 2, 2012

Less than a month after their 30-minute Kony 2012 video was released on the Internet only to go viral, California-based advocacy group Invisible Children say they will unleash a follow-up film this week.

Invisible Children’s director of ideology, Jedidiah Jenkins, told reporters over the weekend that his non-profit group is readying a sequel to last month’s documentary on Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony. After releasing the Kony 2012 film in early March, the group made the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army a household name, essentially succeeding in an attempt to raise awareness of the wrongdoings of the LRA commander. Now the group’s next attempt at immortalizing Kony in an effort to bring justice to the Ugandan people is expected to be released on Tuesday, says Jenkins.

Only weeks since the first Kony 2012 film became a worldwide sensation, however, there are doubts on what success the next flick by way of Invisible Children will have at ousting the Ugandan warlord. In the wake of last month’s movie, the directors behind the documentary were met with a backlash of criticism from skeptics concerned over the true intentions of the filmmakers. Stories were quick to circulate revealing that only a fraction from the non-profits revenue goes towards advocacy work, the damage of which was enough to prompt Invisible Children to release a follow-up film attempting to answer questions of their internal operations. Before the group could reclaim the support that came immediately following the release of Kony 2012, however, co-founder Jason Russell notoriously was nabbed by police after making a scene in downtown San Diego, California.

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3 Responses to “Invisible Children Releases Kony 2012 Sequel”

  1. In my humble opinion, Mr. Russell appears to be a victim of Monarch mind control. They controlled this from beginning to end. And when TSHTF they electronically bombarded his brain to create the meltdown. Thus, diverting the world’s attention from the real villains. And we we all know who “they” are. I have observed this type of bizarre meltdown behavior before from other Monarch victims. Take Brittany Spears for example. She tried to break away from her “handlers”. Her meltdown was blamed on her suddenly becoming “bi-polar”, and they applied the Ca 5150 code to place her in the psyche ward involuntarily. Same scenario with Mr. Russell. Coincidence? I think not. And now they are going to release Kony 2012 11 without Mr Russell? Hmmmmmm…………

  2. Protecting children is job one of families and parents. However, people such as this use the victimhood or potential victimhood as an excuse for aggression. Is it the case that if the Kony avengers achieve their objective that whatever children were abused will be safer then than before? San Diego is a key city in the Left Behind book series, a Council for National Policy psy-op based in fantasy on a non-threatening or non-existent villain.

  3. When will all these “invisible children” become visible, naked on a street corner near you, ranting like a mental case?


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