IOA starts new diggings near the Aqsa

[ PIC 14/06/2012 – 11:23 AM ]

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) started new excavations in the south western area of the Buraq plaza, which is adjacent to the Aqsa mosque, AFEH said on Thursday.

The Aqsa Foundation for Endowment and Heritage said that the diggings that started on Wednesday aimed at preparing the ground for building “spas” for Israelis and western tourists.

It said that a delegation of the foundation toured the area and its members saw a huge bulldozer starting to level the ground in the presence of a Jewish contractor.

AFEH said that it would continue to monitor the diggings, which, it said, fell in line with the plan to completely Judaize the Buraq plaza that the IOA call The Wailing Wall Plaza. The IOA had razed the entire Maghareba suburb few days after the 1967 occupation of Jerusalem to establish that plaza.

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