IOF quelling of peaceful marches wounds dozens

[ PIC 07/04/2012 – 10:29 AM ]

RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Dozens of Palestinians were wounded or suffered breathing difficulty in the Israeli occupation forces’ violent quelling of peaceful marches in a number of West Bank villages on Friday.

Three Palestinians were injured in Nabi Saleh village, near Ramallah, including a journalist while protesting the Israeli settlement activity and separation wall.

The popular committee in the village said in a statement that participants chanted slogans in support of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails who are on hunger strike protesting their administrative detention, without trial or charge.

They also carried Palestinian flags and when they arrived at the entrance to the village the IOF soldiers showered them with gas bombs and rubber-coated bullets in addition chemical waste material, the statement said.

It pointed out that journalist Mohammed Daghlas was hit with a teargas canister in his head and was carried to hospital, while another youth was hit with another canister in his chest, and a third young man was hit with a rubber bullet in his right hand. Many others were treated for breathing problems, it added.

IOF soldiers had stormed the village at dawn Friday and arrested a 16-year-old boy before announcing through loudspeakers in the village streets that the village and its environs were a closed military zone.

In Ma’sara, another village near Ramallah, IOF soldiers clashed with citizens and prevented their march to their land, locals said, adding that fistfights raged between the two parties.

Dozens of Palestinians and foreign activists were treated for suffocation after IOF soldiers fired tear gas bombs at them in another village near Ramallah on Friday.

Local sources in Bilin said that a 10-year-old child was treated for suffocation in that march.

In Kufr Qaddoum, IOF soldiers used force to disperse the peaceful anti wall march in the village, a local activist said.

He added that the soldiers fired teargas at the demonstrators and sprayed them with waste water, adding that three citizens were treated for breathing problems.

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