IPS military unit breaks into Ashkelon prison

[ PIC 22/07/2012 – 10:17 AM ]

RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Israeli Dror unit, specialized in repressing prisoners, stormed room 11 in ward 3 in Ashkelon prison on the first day of Ramadan and savagely searched the prisoners’ belongings.

Human rights sources quoted prisoner Rabee Rabee as saying that the inspection process lasted for eight hours in a row on Friday.

He said that the Israeli prison service’s Dror unit damaged and destroyed the prisoners’ belongings including electrical appliances, and moved the prisoners to other cells. The prisoners’ room was totally damaged and destroyed, the prisoner affirmed.

On the other hand, Rabee stated that a meeting was held between the prison director and the prisoners’ representatives who protested against the provocative inspection policy.

“During the meeting, attended by the prisoners’ representatives, Nasser Abu Hamid and Ziad Bazaz, the prison director agreed to re-allow children visits up to the age of eight during the holy month of Ramadan,” Rabii stated.

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