Iran adapts Army to threats level: Cmdr.

“In line with its assignment to defend the Islamic Republic’s territories, the Iranian Army’s Ground Forces are highly capable of countering any threats,” Commander of the Ground Forces Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan told reporters on Wednesday following a ceremony in the presence foreign military attaches to mark the Army Day in Tehran.

He highlighted the significance of bolstering defense cooperation among Muslim countries and said that Tehran currently has interactions in the field of training with countries whose military attaches have activities in Iran.

The commander also emphasized that Iran would hold joint military maneuvers with friendly and neighboring countries upon the agreement of Iran’s Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“We seek to improve our relations in a calm atmosphere and without any tensions. We intend to promote peace and stability,” Pourdastan pointed out.

On April 10, Deputy Commander of the IRGC’s Ground Forces Brigadier General Abdollah Araqi noted that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has also been equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to enhance its capabilities with the purpose of countering threats against the country.

In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in the defense sector and gained self-sufficiency in essential military hardware and defense systems.

The country has repeatedly made clear that its military might is merely based on the state’s defense doctrine of deterrence, and that it poses no threat to other countries.


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