Iran censures US-Afghanistan pact

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said on Saturday night that the unclear roles defined for US forces and their military bases in the pact are the major sources of concern for Iran and other regional countries, IRNA reported.

The pact cannot resolve Afghanistan’s security problems, and it will further destabilize the country and increase insecurity, Mehmanparast noted.

He went on to say that Tehran believes a complete withdrawal of foreign forces and the closure of their military bases is the only way to solve Afghanistan’s problems and bring peace and security to the country.

Washington and Kabul signed an agreement on Tuesday to extend the US presence in Afghanistan to another decade beyond 2014.

Shortly after arriving in the war-torn country in an unannounced trip late on Tuesday night, US President Barack Obama met Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and both signed the deal that authorizes the presence of US troops for a period of 10 years after 2014, which was the original date agreed upon for the departure of all foreign combat troops from Afghanistan.

US-led troops have been fighting in Afghanistan since 2001. Their initial offensive removed the Taliban from power, but insecurity continues to rise across the country despite the presence of about 130,000 foreign forces.


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