Iran exhibition to open in Afghanistan

Manager of the Mashhad International Exhibition Company Ali Khaksaar, who is the organizer of the exhibition, said Iranian producers will offer basic goods needed by the Afghan people during the event, which will run from June 13-15.

Khaksaar further said that foodstuff, poultry, medical equipment, processing industries as well as various types of carpets and handicrafts are among the demands of the Afghan people.

He referred to Iran’s quality goods as well as its cost-effective and secure transit route as the reasons behind Afghan traders’ interest in doing business with Iran.

Iran has played an active role in the reconstruction of Afghanistan since the US-led invasion of the country in 2001.

In addition to massive reconstruction contributions, the Islamic Republic has cooperated with the Afghan government in building roads and rail lines to expand cross-border transportation.

Iran has held similar exhibitions in several countries. In December 2011, the country opened its first exclusive exhibition, dubbed Expo 2011, in Istanbul’s CNR international fairgrounds.


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