‘Iran expects P5+1 to lift sanctions’

“Our minimum expectation is that sanctions be lifted,” the advisor to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said Wednesday.

Haddad-Adel expressed hope that the upcoming talks between Iran and the P5+1 — Britain, France, Russia, China and the United States plus Germany– in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, would complement the Istanbul negotiations.

The lawmaker advised the P5+1 to take a reasonable approach towards Iran, saying Tehran would never bow to pressure.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said on Sunday that the Istanbul talks marked the beginning of the end of Tehran’s nuclear case.

Salehi expressed hope that the meeting in Baghdad would be even more successful than the Istanbul talks.

Iran and the P5+1 wrapped up the first round of negotiations on April 14 in the Turkish city of Istanbul. Both sides hailed the talks as successful and constructive.

The next round of the multifaceted talks will be held on May 23 in Baghdad.


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