Iran honors Pakistani scholar Naushahi

Organized by the Miras Maktoob Research Center, the event was held on July 11, 2012, as part of a conference on Persian manuscripts and printed texts from the subcontinent of India.

Iran’s Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad Hosseini made the opening speech followed by Sharif Hussain Qasemi of the University of New Delhi who said Naushahi’s literary works benefit many readers in the Indian subcontinent.

A book was also unveiled during the ceremony that focuses on Naushahi’s great efforts in Persian language education in South Asia.

Pakistani author, critic and scholar of Urdu literature and linguistics Moinuddin Aqeel who also delivered a speech said he was happy that such a book was published and hoped Iran and Pakistan would continue their close cultural relationship.

Necdet Tosun of Turkey’s Marmara University was also among the participants who joined Iranian experts such as Hassan Anousheh, Mohammad-Hossein Tasbihi and Akbar Sabout.

Naushahi was the last to present his speech. He also honored the memory of Iranian historian, scholar and manuscript expert Iraj Afshar.

Arif Naushahi specializes in Persian literature and completed his Ph.D. in Persian language and literature at the University of Tehran in 1993.

The 57-year-old scholar is currently the head of the Persian Language Department of Gordon College, Rawalpindi.

Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts in the National Museum of Pakistan, Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts in Anjuman Taraqqi Urdu in Karachi and Catalogue of the Urdu Manuscripts in Ganj Bakhsh Library of Islamabad are among Naushahi’s better known works.

His main contribution to bibliographical works is A Bibliography of Litho-Print and Rare Persian Books in Ganj Bakhsh Library of Islamabad and A Bibliography of Persian Books Printed in the Subcontinent from 1780 to 2008.


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