Iran needs no permission to boost its military might: Commander

“Threats against the sacred establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran are widespread and exist in all areas,” General Mousavi said, addressing a conference in the central city of Qom on Friday.

He further slammed arrogant powers, the US in particular, for their continued hostilities toward Iran, saying the US uses every opportunity to intrude into the country and harm the Islamic establishment in terms of various political, cultural, economic and military fields.

The commander also hailed the Iranian Armed Forces as “strong citadels” against threats, saying, “in order to increase our defense capabilities, we do not need permission from anybody.”

Earlier in March, ballistic missile tests by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) were followed by hue and cry in the West.

In a speech later in the month, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei underscored the need for boosting Iran’s defense capabilities, warning that enemies are making use of every tool available to undermine the Islamic Republic.

Ayatollah Khamenei said at the time that if the Islamic establishment seeks technology and negotiations but lacks defense might, it will have to buckle in the face of any weak country posing threats.

Iranian officials have time and again reiterated that none of the country’s missiles have been designed to be capable of carrying nuclear warheads, because nuclear weapons have basically no place in Iran’s defense doctrine.

By Tasnim News Agency

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