‘Iran sanctions worsen nuclear standoff’

On the New Year’s Eve, Washington imposed new sanctions on Iran to penalize countries for importing Iranian crude or doing trade with its central bank.

On March 20, US exempted 11 nations including 10 European Union members and Japan from tough new sanctions on Iran as they have reduced oil purchase from Tehran.

The most important countries which have not been included on the exemption list are China, India and South Korea.

Referring to the new development, the People’s Daily, the official newspaper of China’s ruling Communist Party, said in a commentary the US move was misguided and selfish and that China had every right to import oil from Iran.

“One stand-out feature of unilateralism is this: that one’s own rules become the world’s rules. Everyone must respect them, and if you don’t, then you will be punished,” the paper added.

The commentary then pointed out that previous unilateral measures taken by the United States have led to the quagmires of Iraq and Afghanistan.

“Why is it that the so-called order in such places has been slow and unobtainable, and that turmoil has continued?” the commentary said.

“The facts have proved again and again that unilateralism is not the way to resolve the world’s problems, and that it will only complicate and exacerbate the situation, and not only not douse the flames but may even fan them.”

The People’s Daily commentary was published under the pen name “Zhong Sheng”, meaning “Voice of China,” which is often used to give the paper’s view on foreign policy issues.

China is the biggest buyer of the Iranian crude and figures released by US Department of Energy show that about 22 percent of Iranian oil exports go to the East Asian country.

Beijing also strongly opposes trade restrictions against Iran, saying oil sanctions aren’t “constructive.”

The US and EU have imposed tough financial and oil sanctions against Iran since the beginning of 2012, claiming that the country’s nuclear energy program includes a military component.

Tehran refutes their claims noting that frequent inspections by International Atomic Energy Agency have failed to prove any diversion in Iran’s nuclear energy program toward military purposes.


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