Iran simulates long-range missile attack on airbases in region, beyond

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July 3, 2012

Iranian forces launched long-range missiles as part of an extensive military drill on Tuesday, the Iranian state-run station Press TV reported, on the second day of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Great Prophet 7 exercise.

According to the Press TV report, IRGC forces launched Shahab 1, 2, and 3 missiles, as well as the shorter ranged Khalij Fars, Tonda, Fateh , Zelzal and Qiam, targeting “simulations of the trans-regional forces’ airbases” in the northern region of Semnan Desert.

The launch came after, on Sunday, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards’ aerospace division Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh said that, by “firing missiles into these simulated bases, our commanders will assess the precision and the effectiveness of the warheads installed on the missiles.”

The IRGC commander added that the drill was meant to show to “regional and trans-regional countries seeking adventurism that the Islamic Republic is determined to resist their bullying and will give a crushing and decisive response to any potential act of mischief.”

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One Response to “Iran simulates long-range missile attack on airbases in region, beyond”

  1. The Jews Who Perped 911 ..Larry Silverstein, Frank Lowy, Lewis Eisenberg, Ronald S Lauder, Menachem Atzmon, Daniel Lewin, Jerome Hauer, Sivan Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Schmuel, Oded Ellner, Dominic Suter, Amit Yoran, James Schlesinger, Dov Zakheim many others in New York and Israel

    The Iranian government was infiltrated by CIA / Mossad elements since forever .. else they would be shouting 911 truth from the rooftops, the Zionists plan is to nuke Iran in the first instance, while the weapons the same Zionists have supplied Iran, will be used to sink the US battle fleets and level US cities, in justified response ..

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