Iran to host intl. handicrafts exhibition

The event, due to be held at Tehran’s permanent International Fairgrounds, will showcase various works from different countries.

Head of Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHTO) Rouhollah Ahmadzadeh-Kermani had earlier announced that the exhibition would be held in an attempt to support the country’s economical growth through promoting handicrafts export.

A handicrafts festival is also set to be held on the sidelines of the exhibition and the country’s selected artists will be honored during the event, announced ICHTO director of commercial affairs Ahmad Balan.

The exhibition will kick off on June 10 and continue for around 10 days.

Iran’s first international exhibition of handicrafts was held at Tehran’s Grand Prayer Grounds on April 22, 2011.

Kilim, pottery, wooden furniture, hand-made glass and pendants are among Iran’s main handicrafts export items.

Iran has some 257 handicraft items on its national heritage list and over 116 of its works have received the UNESCO Award of Excellence.


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