Iran to store S. Pars gas underground

Massoud Samivand, managing director of Natural Gas Storage Company (NGSC), said on Friday that the country’s natural gas storage capacity should hit 14 billion cubic meters by the end of the Fifth Economic Development Plan (2015).

He added that according to the Fifth Economic Development Plan, Iran should be able to withdraw a daily total of 130 million cubic meters of natural gas from underground storage facilities by the end of the Plan, Mehr News Agency reported.

“In other words, an amount equal to output of 5-6 phases of South Pars gas field should be stored [in underground facilities] by the end of the Fifth Economic Development Plan,” he said.

“Launching underground gas storage facilities will speed up Iran’s entry into global gas trade,” Samivand said.

The official noted that depleted hydrocarbon or ground water reservoirs as well as salt domes are priorities for building underground gas storage facilities.

He said construction of three underground gas storage facilities is simultaneously going on in Sarajeh region of Qom province, Yortsha region near the city of Varamin, and Shourijeh region in Khorasan Province.

Samivand noted that the three new stores will be able to contain eight billion cubic meters of natural gas per year.


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