Iranians fall for Pepsi challenge

Thousands of Iranians have been stargazing in the vain hope of seeing the moon turn red, white and blue, after social networks buzzed that Pepsi would project its logo on the heavens in an attempt to prove the drink is truly out of this world.

­Several websites claimed Pepsi Co. was planning to shoot powerful lasers at the moon to give the company some truly stellar advertising.

Far-fetched as this may sound, thousands fell for it and daringly scaled rooftops at the appointed time. One can only imagine their disappointment when no stunning cosmic display came their way.

Neither the Pepsi company nor its subsidiaries in Iran commented on the reports.

This is not the first such lunar joke in the country. In 1979, the year of the country’s revolution, Iranians were told they would see a likeness of Ayatollah Khomeini emerge as the “man in the moon”.

One of the many joke images created by Iranians following the hoax. This one shows Ayatollah Khomeini sipping a Pepsi on the moon. The image was published on many Iranian Facebook pages.
One of the many joke images created by Iranians following the hoax. This one shows Ayatollah Khomeini sipping a Pepsi on the moon. The image was published on many Iranian Facebook pages.

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