Iraqi police: 10 arrested in Haditha killing spree

BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraqi security forces on Tuesday arrested 10 suspects in a shooting spree that left 25 police dead a day before, the Iraqi government said.

An Interior Ministry statement said the 10 were arrested during a raid by security forces in Salahuddin province.

Four other suspects were killed, including two suicide bombers who blew themselves up when Iraqi soldiers stormed their hideout, the statement said.

The captured suspects confessed to Monday’s methodical targeting of police commanders and security checkpoints in the western city of Haditha, 140 miles (220 kilometers) northwest of Baghdad, the statement said.

Haditha officials said dozens of attackers dressed in military-style uniforms were driving cars painted to look like police vehicles to carry out the shootings. Then they waived al-Qaida flags. All but a handful escaped after the half-hour assault.

The attack replicated tactics used by Sunni insurgents during bloody sectarian violence several years ago. It appeared aimed at reasserting al-Qaida’s grip, now that Iraqi government forces can no longer rely on American help following the U.S. troops pullout.

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