Ireland declared war on Iran yesterday – We need to stop the Irish government from continuing with this action

Diarmaid O Seigefriede
Infowars Ireland
24 Jan, 2012

Feel free to use your own methods such as contacting the media or your TD to stop going to war by default and losing our hard won neutrality.

This is some of the action that one Irish Sovereign, Diarmaid O Seigefriede, has taken to instruct the provisional Irish government of the 26 counties of Ireland to cease and desist from declaring war on Iran with this oil embargo against Iran.

Ireland declared war against Iran with this embargo. Iran has not enough oil refineries to supply its people with fuel. This will make food shortages and kill non-military Iranian people. I contacted Fianna Gael and Labour head office and told them as a Sovereign Irish citizen I was instructing them to reverse this act of war Immediately publicly on TV and media. It requires apologizing to the Iranian government ambassadors based in the UK or USA or suitable large embassy.

Fianna Gael spokesman Jim of complaints department (no second name supplied) basically said they won’t reverse this policy, they are part of the EU cabal and take their orders from the EU. Labour spokesman Dermot Lacey complaints department said they don’t figure these sanctions are an act of war – they rate them as similar to sanctions on oranges against South Africa.

I explained that was not the case and again that as a sovereign Irish citizen I was instructing them to reverse this as there is no real evidence that Iran has any war plans other than defend themselves from the EU and USA led by Israel attacking them.

I call upon all Irish people to contact your TD and tell them that you as a SOVEREIGN Irish citizen INSTRUCT (not asking or begging them) him/her to reverse this act of war immediately and that we the Sovereign Irish people do not take our orders from the EU, and we demand that our Provisional 26 county Irish government in the Dail takes it’s instructions from the people of Eire.

Do not accept this government spin argument that sanctions are not an act of war. In many cultures in the world this is considered an act of war. In international law when non-combatants, ordinary people are starved to death from sanctions it becomes an act of war.

Inform the Irish TD’s that they will go before a war crimes court if they do not reverse this act of declaring war against Iran. The cheek of the them in the provisional government in the Dail to think we would not cotton on that this is a declaration of war and we are now at war with Iran.

Pass this on as the ‘false stream media’ follow the government line that it’s no big deal we’re just hiding under the skirt of the EU and 26 other war monger regimes.

Diarmaid O Seigefriede

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The nuclear stakes over Iran were raised today when the EU banned buying the country’s oil and it retaliated by repeating a threat to close the Strait of Hormuz, a route for a fifth of the world’s crude.

The escalating confrontation is fraught with risks – of rising energy prices, global financial instability, and potential military activity to keep the strait open.

The EU’s 27 foreign ministers, meeting in Brussels, imposed the oil embargo against Iran and froze the assets of its central bank, ramping up sanctions designed to pressure Iranian officials into resuming talks on the country’s nuclear program.

EU officials say the tighter sanctions are part of a carrot-and-stick approach, an effort to increase pressure while emphasising their willingness to talk.

But the initial response out of Iran, was harsh. Two politicians threatened that their country would close the strait in retaliation.

Mohammad Ismail Kowsari, deputy head of Iran’s influential committee on national security, said the strait “would definitely be closed if the sale of Iranian oil is violated in any way.”

Read more: Iran and EU face off over sanctions


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