Ireland says Yes to EU fiscal pact

No campaigners warned that the government’s triumph was likely to be short
lived after promises that a Yes vote meant increased growth and jobs would
fail to materialise.

Joe Higgins, leader of the Socialist Party, which opposed the treaty, warned
that the impact of eurozone’s deepening crisis would not be lessened by
Irish support for the fiscal pact.

”The question now is where will the jobs and the stability they have promised
come from, against the backdrop of a continuing and deepening crisis within
Europe? Their policies will only make the situation worse.”

The Irish government warned that a No vote would lead to a run on Irish banks
and new debt crisis that would plunge the country into bankruptcy by 2014.

The Yes victory is a triumph for Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, who
linked acceptance of the fiscal pact with future euro bailout funding.

Under a “blackmail clause” inserted by Germany as a disincentive for an Irish
No vote, any country that has not ratified the pact cannot access the euro’s
bail-out fund, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).

Ireland is likely to need ESM funding in 2014 when it needs to raise EUR18
billion in borrowing after its current EU-IMF bailout loan of EUR85 billion
are finished next year.

Declan Ganley, a pro-business and pro-EU No campaigner, said: “There is a
feeling of powerlessness. People are voting with gritted teeth because of
the ESM funding threat. Merkel’s blackmail clause worked.”

Two years ago, Ireland was forced into a deeply unpopular bailout and the
fiscal pact is controversial because it indefinitely extends austerity
measures imposed as a condition of EU loans.

The vote has been socially divisive, with three Dublin working class
constituencies registering a strong No vote.

During the campaign Sinn Féin has surged in the opinion polls to become the
second most popular party despite its past links to the IRA.

Mary Lou McDonald, Sinn Féin’s vice president and a Dublin MP, insisted that
people should not fear her party’s rise as “a strong party of the working
class, of middle and lower income families”

”Telegraph readers should breath-in and look at the evidence,” she said.

”We are the party that looks forward most, maybe, to a normal, happy, friendly
relationship with our next door neighbours on the island of Britain.”

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