Israel expels South Sudanese migrants

Israeli Population and Migration Authority spokeswoman Sabine Hadad said that since the start of the ‘operation to expel the South Sudanese,’ 700 nationals of the African country have been repatriated.

“Wednesday will see the last flight of this operation, bringing the total number of South Sudanese repatriated to between 850 and 900.”

On June 24, an Israeli court also authorized the deportation of about 2,000 migrants from Ivory Coast.

African migrants have been the target of violent attacks by Israelis in the past weeks.

The Tel Aviv regime announced on June 3 that migrants who crossed into the occupied Palestinian territories illegally could face up to three years of detention.

Human Rights Watch has criticized the Israeli regime for the new piece of legislation, saying Tel Aviv “punishes asylum seekers for irregularly crossing into Israel, in violation of their basic rights.”

“Subjecting irregular border-crossers to potential indefinite detention without charge or access to legal representation would violate the prohibition against arbitrary detention under international human rights law,” the rights organization stated.


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