Israeli forces detain 9 from Qalqiliya village

Maan News Agency | July 11, 2012

QALQILIYA (Ma’an) — Israeli forces detained nine people Wednesday from the Azzun village east of Qalqiliya after raiding the area at dawn and searching people’s homes, locals said.

The detainees were identified as 16-year-olds Sinan Ahmad Radwan, Qussay Saleh Mashaal, Asaad Abdul Salam Hussain and Alaa Ghaleb Radwan as well as 17-year-old Hani Abdul Kareem Abu Haniye.

Muntaser Mujahed Radwan, 40, Fadi Zahran Salim, 28, Hamdallah Abdul Kareem Abu Haiye, 26, and Loay Sayel Hawari, 28, were also taken in the operation. They were all moved to an unknown destination.

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