Israeli judge renews solitary confinement of Barghouthi for six months | #PalHunger #StopAD

#5MayPPSolidarityMay 5: Mobilize in support of Palestinian political prisoners

[ PIC 02/05/2012 – 01:57 PM ]

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– An Israeli military court in occupied Jerusalem on Wednesday extended the solitary confinement of Hamas leader Abdullah Al-Barghouthi for six months.

Director of Ahrar center for prisoners’ studies and human rights Fuad Al-Khafsh quoted Barghouthi’s lawyer Abeer Bakr as saying that her client appeared in court in high morale despite his weakness after three weeks of hunger strike demanding an end to his isolation.

He told the PIC that the judge refused to listen to Barghouthi and said that according to what was available of information for her, she could not but extend his isolation.

The lawyer said that Barghouthi appeared in pale face and apparent physical exhaustion but was adamant on persisting in his hunger strike until end of his and his comrades’ isolation.

Barghouthi hailed the Palestinian people’s support for him and called for bigger media attention to the Palestinian prisoners’ massive hunger strike.


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