Israel’s military training in Al-Aqaba northern Jordan Valley

[ 28/06/2012 – 03:39 PM ]

JORDAN VALLEY,(PIC)– Al-Aqaba’s villagers complained against the storming of their village and its surrounding areas by the IOF on Thursday following military training maneuvers over the past several days in the nearby mountain slopes.

The citizens of the small village, most of the houses of which are threatened with demolition, said that the occupation forces stormed the village, at dawn on Thursday, and launched live-fire training between the houses of citizens regardless the civilians.

The sources stated that the occupation forces deployed hundreds of troops in the region, and surrounded the village by three army camps where the occupation forces conducted military training under the pretext that the village’s topography is close to that of southern Lebanon.

For his part, the head of the village council, Sami Sadak, confirmed in a press statement on Thursday that dozens of Israeli soldiers stormed the village and started shooting in various directions, sparking panic and fear among the population.

He pointed out that such training with live ammunition are being conducted in the village’s neighborhoods, despite a court order that prevents the Israeli army from entering the village and conducting military training within it.

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