It’s Robert Green’s Birthday on Tuesday the 27th of March

Friday, 23 March 2012 10:44


Please drop him a line or send him a card to show him your support.

All letters must be addressed as follows

George Robert Green




4 Grampian Place, Aberdeen

AB11 8FN

Phone: 01224 238300

Thank you for all your help!

Robert wants to say a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who has written to him since he was imprisoned – it has really touched him to know that he is in people’s thoughts.

He said that to date he has received letters from 22 countries from people who have read about him via this website. It has made such a difference to him to know that he’s being supported and he is very grateful for the kind words and encouragement in all of the letters.

Thank you so much from Robert and all of us for your kindness.

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