Jaimie Etkin: ‘The Voice’ Recap: Eliminations Unexpected From Team Christina And Team Blake

Note: Do not read on if you have not yet seen the April 16 episode of “The Voice.”

Well, that was rough. We thought this was just a performance night, but Team Christina and Team Blake each lost another member on “The Voice” (Mondays at 8 p.m. ET and Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on NBC) tonight in a very unexpected instant elimination. The rest of our recap will be posted later tonight, but for those who want to know what went down in a nutshell, read on.

Each member of Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton’s teams took the stage to prove themselves to their coadges, but for two it was not enough.

Christina shockingly eliminated fan favorite Jesse Campbell, who gave the most emotional performance of the night, dedicating “Halo” by Beyoncé to his daughter.

But Blake’s elimination was less of a surprise: After a less-than-impressive rendition of Sara Evans’ “A Little Bit Stronger,” it was time for Jordis Unga to say goodbye. As much as we hate to say it, she’s really never been as good as she was in audition.

Both Adam Levine and Cee Lo Green looked relieved to not have to deal with such difficult decisions until next week. Something tells us Cee Lo is holding Purrfect tight and drying tears from beneath his tinted sunglasses right about now.

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