Japan helps UN refugee program in Iran

The Japanese donation is slated to be spent on the refugees’ health services, education, and livelihood.

“This contribution shows the continuous commitment of the people of Japan towards supporting refugees in the region and in particular in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said the UNHCR representative in Iran Bernard Doyle.

Doyle thanked the people and government of Japan for their humanitarian aid at a time when they are marking the first anniversary of the disastrous tsunami and earthquake which claimed thousands of lives in March, 2011.

The Japanese donation will provide free primary healthcare services and assistance to vulnerable refugees with medical treatment costs including the treatment of children suffering from cancer.

The funding will also provide education opportunities for refugees through construction of additional classrooms and holding literacy classes.

Refugees who want to return to Afghanistan can use the donation to get legal assistance and a cash grant along with travel costs.

According to UNHCR, about 900, 000 Afghan refugees currently live in Iran, most of whom reside in urban areas.

As Iran received little international support, the country’s officials had earlier called on the international community to help with hosting and providing repatriation support to Afghan refugees.

UNHCR is run by voluntary contributions from governments, covering refugee needs in key areas.


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