Jerry Sandusky trial: alleged victims denied anonymity

Cleland called the motions for pseudonyms “complicated, even controversial.”

The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape said last week it would not be in the
best interests of public safety to force alleged Sandusky victims to reveal
their true identities.

“Sex offenders continue their behaviors until they are caught and stopped, and
the only way that we know who those people are is when victims are brave
enough to come forth and tell us,” said PCAR spokeswoman Kristen Houser.

Judge Cleland also issued a ruling Monday barring reporters from using Twitter
or email to post reports on the trial from the courthouse in the central
Pennsylvania town of Bellefonte, near State College, where Penn State is

In his response to major media companies, which wanted him to clarify his
decorum order governing the use of electronic media during the proceedings,
Cleland said journalists may use their electronic “tools of the trade” to
write quotes and details about the unfolding case.

But he said they may not tweet or email “any form of communication to any
person or device either in or out of the courthouse or courthouse annex.”

The New York Times, CNN, The Wall Street journal, the Harrisburg Patriot-News,
the Pennsylvania Newspapers Association and others wanted Cleland to modify
his decorum order to allow the verbatim tweeting and emailing of courtroom
events, which reporters have done at every pre-trial event to date.

Cleland said allowing tweets or emails during jury selection and the trial
might “impact the judge’s ability to assure a fair trial could be conducted.”

Also on Monday, the judge denied a request by Sandusky’s attorney, Joe
Amendola, to have the prosecution turn over all of the information he claims
it has collected about prospective jurors.

Amendola said he had an anonymous letter claiming prosecutors had this
information. Cleland sided, however, with prosecutors who said the material
is protected by the attorney work product privilege.

“While it may be theoretically helpful to have background information that
might be used to predict how a particular juror might view the issues in a
particular case … the practical fact is that jurors are not automatons,”
Cleland wrote.

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