Jilted boyfriend Blaise Fragione ‘cut off love rival’s penis and flushed it down the toilet’

Ian Sparks

20:13 EST, 8 March 2012

A jilted boyfriend who sliced off his love rival’s penis and flushed it down a toilet is to go on trial in France.

Blaise Fragione, 38, has confessed to knocking out his cheating girlfriend’s lover then cutting off ‘two thirds’ of his manhood with a razor blade.

He then flushed the severed organ down a toilet at his home in Mediterranean city of Marseille.

Attack: The victim alleges he was knocked unconscious and tied up in the attacker's home in Marseille, before he was subject to the excruciating assault

Attack: The victim alleges he was knocked unconscious and tied up in the attacker’s home in Marseille, before he was subject to the excruciating assault

The victim – named only as F – claims Fragione abducted him by force after learning his girlfriend and mother of their two children was having the affair.

He then knocked him unconscious with a blow to the head and tied him to a chair before carrying out the horrific attack in October 2008, it was reported.

The victim’s lawyer Jorge Mendes Constante said: ‘His life has been completely destroyed.

‘He has suffered a total redefinition of his body image that has had a dramatic effect on his social and sexual life.’

Medical experts estimated he has lost around 70 per cent of his penis, leaving it only 3cm long when flaccid, and he was now awaiting surgical reconstruction, Mr Constante added.

Fragione’s lawyer Marc Ceccadi denied the savage attack had been planned in advance.

He said: ‘The sudden revelation of this infidelity made him lose control in the anguish of being abandoned by his girlfriend.

‘He is well aware that he caused a significant trauma. He has now reunited with his original girlfriend and they plan to marry.’

The dockyard worker is due in court in the city of Aix-en-Provence on Thursday where he faces 15 years in prison if convicted of ‘aggravated assault accompanied by mutilation’.


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if I was the original girlfriend Iwould be having second thoughts about marrying him.


Wow..the ultimate punishment for a man….lessons learnt don’t be the other man in a relationship..lol

Like for like – see how he feels then !

OMG! If true, the story gives us the long and short of it, that is for sure.

He, the victim, was penalised, end of! Or perhaps I should have said off.


I’d be waiting for him outside the prison. He’s soon be wishing he’d got life!

This story is right on the cutting edge.

I await the comments on this…stuff like this against men is generally perceived as hilarious and cause for all sorts of jokes, while stuff like this against women is abhorrent and the worst possible crime. Will I be proven wrong..?

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