Jordan to build massive refugee camp

Jordan is about to build, in Azraq, a new camp to house refugees from Syria. It should cost $ 63.5 million and accommodate 130,000 people, some from Zaatari.

There are currently 106,000 Syrians Zaatari refugee camp (photo), designed to accommodate only 85,000 (this is the second refugee camp in the world after the one in Dadaab, Kenya). The running costs amount to a little over $ 500 000 a day, including food distribution. On 5 April, a riot there was triggered by Jihadists who burned six tents, two caravans and attacked the police station.

According to United Nations estimates, there are 1.25 million Syrian refugees in Jordan. But this figure is misleading, since it includes the 770,000 Syrian workers who arrived in the country before the conflict and registered as refugees to benefit from international assistance (each adult receives a monthly handout of 300 dollars from the UNHCR, a part of which is transferred to Syria to keep the country afloat during the war).

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