Jose Salgado, TSA Agent, Arrested In Child Porn Crackdown

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Huffington Post
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

An agent with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been suspended from his job after he was arrested for allegedly having and sharing images of child pornography.

NECN reports that Jose Salgado, a TSA screener at Logan airport in Boston, was collared as part of a massive child pornography crackdown in Massachusetts.

“These people are your neighbors,” Marian McGovern, Massachusetts state police colonel, said at a press conference. “These people look just like everyone else, and they’re doing these things under the cover of their own homes.”

Salgado was one of 55 people nabbed and accused of various child pornography-related charges, according to the Boston Herald.

Full story here.

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11 Responses to “Jose Salgado, TSA Agent, Arrested In Child Porn Crackdown”

  1. Does this REALLY surprise anyone?

    American Dystopia Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 11:02 am

    Well most TSA agents aren’t child molesters. No, most prefer molesting grandmas 😉

    Alex_Jones_a_Traitor_to_Freedom. Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 11:54 am

    TSA molest your bodies and Alex Jones perverts your minds. What do they have in common?

    Well both the TSA and Alex Jones are supported by the political elite.

    Both exist to frustrate your freedom.

    Both are degenerate in mind and will do any job that makes them feel empowered while gaining gain easy money.

    Obviously both have no talent or any clue how to do their jobs effectively.

    Both Alex Jones and the TSA will remain active in their good cop/bad cop theatre. Its a sick theater at Prison Planet and the message is, “You are powerless to resist, don’t resist because the elite want to provoke this excuse to imprison you. Buy storage food and hide in your cellar before the off shore boogeyman cartel gets you. Never blame America and never make a difference. Just be a passive sucker, swallow the US governments $hit and buy infowar t-shirts”.

    Anybody listening to the Alex Jones show tonight? Wow the TURD of the INFOWAR is in great form. Alex Jones has just spent 30 minutes complaining about bloggers who criticizes him. He then goes on to claim nobody does more than he does in the fight against the political elite. He spends all his time talking about himself and what a great fighter he is and then….he slips into commercials to sell more products.

    Actual news is rarely discussed in detail on these “crock of $hit” and treasonous Prison Planet broadcasts. The turd of the info war is an ego maniac with no talent and no guts.

    Plagiarizing other peoples news and adding your own twisted/retarded theories doesn’t take courage Alex Jones. Screening calls and pretending you don’t screen calls doesn’t take courage Alex Jones. Gaining weight while eating your way through subscription fees and product sales doesn’t take courage Alex Jones.

    Alex Jones people are waking up to your fraud. You can moan and complain about this as much as you want. You can pretend you’re a hero if it makes you and your dummy followers happy. But you know and I know you will always be the gluttonous turd of the info war and you will give up your efforts as soon as you have sold your last t-shirt or your last eFoods pack.

    Jones you are a gutless traitor who cowers in the shadows of the infowar with the aim of making a quick buck. Alex Jones is nothing apart from an opportunist who has found a marketing gag which has the nick name of the New World Order.

    Well I am pleased people are wakening to your fraud Alex Jones, because with people like you out of the way a real debate and social/political awakening can begin.

    Alex Jones is an American traitor who places his ego and sales ahead of his country on every occasion

    American Dystopia Reply:
    April 11th, 2012 at 12:13 pm

    I knew Alex and TSA were in it together! Man thank God we have astute bloggers like you to shine the light of day on this vast conspiracy.

    Who would have thought the NWO would have Jones expose them just so they could sell some water filters and freeze dried chicken sandwiches. My God I’ll bet they knocked down the world trade centers just to promote the upcoming release of Jones’ video “9/11: The Road to Tyranny”.



  3. NOw when will the Vatican be investigated for similar behaviours? Have they not protected there faulty priests?

  4. who do you think is in control of tsa it is the vatican pagan church of lucifer


  6. Arrested ?….sure he wasn’t Promoted ?

  7. Atramental does have it’s standards.

    Groping and molestation are okay, because they do this anyway during the child sacrifice debauchery ritual.

    Child pornography is out of the question, because this competes with and draws negative publicity to Newt Gingrich.

    What do you want to bet they finally locate and capture Jack the Ripper the way they did Bin Laden? We’re talking about the necromancy culture that gave us the Piccadilly circus, folks. Whimsical, short fantasy loaded with strange people in a strange land bearing a strange wooden affect with a strange accent.

    The arrest for pornography is very s t r a n g e.

  8. Also, they conduct a massive crackdown on child pornography and only nab ONE FUCKING TSA AGENT?


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