Judge refuses to drop Manning charges

At a pre-trial hearing in Manning’s court martial at Fort Meade, Maryland on Wednesday, Army Colonel Denise Lind denied a motion filed by Manning’s lawyers to drop all the 22 charges against the 24-year-old.

Manning’s lawyer had argued on Tuesday that the court had to dismiss the charges because the prosecutors had intentionally withheld evidence needed to prepare Manning’s defense.

“The court finds no evidence of prosecutorial misconduct,” Lind said.

She also denied a defense motion for a transcript or audio file of the grand jury that has been convened in Alexandria, Virginia to hear evidence against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

The defense has filed a separate motion, seeking the dismissal of the most serious charge, aiding the enemy. If proven, the charge could invoke death penalty, but the prosecution has said it intends to seek a maximum of life in prison for Manning.

Lind tentatively scheduled the trial for September 21 through October 12. Manning has not entered a plea yet.

He is accused of passing hundreds of thousands of military field reports from Iraq and Afghanistan and the US diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks between November 2009 and May 2010 when he was serving in Iraq.

The leaked military documents shed light on civilian deaths, while the cables sparked a firestorm by disclosing private remarks by heads of state and candid observations by senior US officials.

Bradley Manning Support Network website has described his prosecution as “fundamentally unjust.”

Manning’s supporters also say that he has been placed in such pre-trial confinement conditions to force him to testify against Assange.


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