Just call, don’t text ‘I luv u’, women say

When it comes to romance, an “I luv u” text just won’t cut it with Australian women.

More than 70 per cent of single women claim technology has had no impact on their love life, with 91 per cent still expecting a man to ask her out in a phone call – not a text message.

According to the Mills Boon 2012 Australian Romance Report released on Monday, 73 per cent of women prefer phone calls to text messages in the lead-up to a date, while 86 per cent are more comfortable saying “I love you” in person rather than through text.

“At a time when the modern woman considers (herself) more independent and powerful than ever before, we’ve found that many of the traditional beliefs about romance, dating and relationships still resonate,” Michelle Laforest, Managing Director of Harlequin Enterprises, which carried out the survey, said in a statement.

“We are seeing new challenges as women manage their persona on a digital level yet they are still cynical about finding romance on the very same medium, instead preferring the authenticity of real life experiences.”

While 89 per cent of single women believe dating rules have become more flexible, 61 per cent still believe a guy should do the asking out.

And with Valentine’s Day approaching, 74 per cent of singletons are hopeful their best days are still ahead of them when it comes to love.

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