Just What We Needed Dept: A Popcorn Maker that Pops One Kernel at a Time


We at TreeHugger always promote moderation, so I can’t help but be impressed with a machine that lets you make popcorn one kernel at a time instead of huge batches.

University of Art and Design Lausanne /ECAL students Laurent Beirnaert, Pierre Bouvier and Paul Tubiana built it; according to Designboom:

The work celebrates and values the means by which a product is created – slowing down a type of manufacture that is usually en masse to a visual spectacle that can be appreciated, acknowledged and savored.

We do often complain about silly appliances that only do one thing, what the Unclutterer website calls “Unitaskers”, and it does take up a lot of space, but it is so elegant and really does “orchestrate the ingredients in a grandiose fashion to reach the final fluffy result.”

ECAL Low-Tech Factory/Oncle Sam from ECAL on Vimeo.

Source Article from http://www.treehugger.com/gadgets/just-what-we-needed-dept-popcorn-maker-pops-one-kernel-time.html

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