Kashmir remains tense after shrine blaze

Barbed wires have been stretched across roads and security forces in riot gear are seen patrolling the deserted streets of the Muslim-majority region and People in most of the areas of summer capital Srinagar have been asked to stay indoors.

Governmental offices, shops and schools have been closed since the incident earlier this week. Although government has ordered probe into the incident, pro independence groups have demanded the right to carry independent investigation.

The unrest comes after fire ravaged on Monday Dastageer Sahib sufi shrine in Khanyar area of Srinagar.

The incident has sparked anti-India demonstrations and clashes in disputed region.

Police and army soldiers established barricades on roads leading to the shrine, where thousands of Kashmiri Muslims had gathered, many of them in tears.

Later, thousands of men and women flooded nearby streets, chanting anti-India slogans and calling for the liberation of Kashmir from Indian rule.

The protesters also clashed with soldiers in at least four other neighborhoods in Srinagar. The Indian security forces fired shots into the air and used tear gas to disperse the crowd.

Thousands of people have been killed since the unrest in Kashmir began more than two decades ago.

Kashmir lies at the heart of more than 60 years of hostility between India and Pakistan. Both countries claim the region in full but each only has control over a section of the territory.


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