Kazakhstan jails five police for shooting rioters

This was one of four trials in Aktau focused on the riots. Earlier this month,
a court jailed another policeman for allowing a protester to die in his
custody and last week six people were convicted of public disorder offences
at a riot in Shepte on Dec 17, the day after the main riot in Zhanaozen.

A verdict at the final trial of 37 protesters accused of stirring the violence
is expected soon.

Sacked oil workers formed the core of the riots which posed one of the most
serious challenges to Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s 20 year rule.
He had previously touted Kazakhstan
as a stable market for foreign investors and the unrest tarnished this

In the aftermath of the riot, Mr Nazarbayev sacked a series of high profile
officials and ordered an inquiry into the deaths.

Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister, is currently advising Mr Nazarbayev and
earlier this year featured in a promotional video for Kazakhstan.

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