Keep Track of Rio+20’s Cloud of Commitments, Now in One Place

While the actual Rio+20 text is definitely a bit short on action, nevertheless a whole host of other environmental commitments have been made by a huge array of organizations and businesses. Keeping track of all of them is difficult at best, as is following up on how much progress has been made on them, even more so in one place.

Which is where NRDC’s new Cloud of Commitments comes in. It’s, perhaps obviously, interactive on the actual site:


NRDC says:

The Cloud is a response to decades of efforts by the international community in negotiating scores of treaties, declarations, and plans of action to address global environmental sustainability challenges.  Now, there is a growing recognition that the proliferation of such globally negotiated goals has not been followed by concrete actions and results. … Government leaders have been joined here by representatives from the private sector, business and the NGO community – many of whom have come to take action not to engage in more debate. The Cloud has already collected over 100 of these commitments, and by week’s end we expect many more.

It may seem a bit wonky, but this is really a supremely useful tool for anyone trying to sort out rhetoric from action at and after Rio.

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