Labor, Gillard get poll boost

Support for the federal government has crept to its highest level in three months and Prime Minister Julia Gillard is back on top as the nation’s preferred leader.

The latest Newspoll shows Labor’s primary vote is up two points over the past fortnight to 32 per cent.

It follows a three-point bounce after the May 8 budget.

The coalition is up one point to 46 per cent, while the Greens are steady on 12 per cent.

On a two-party preferred basis, the coalition is beating Labor by 54 to 46 per cent.

Ms Gillard’s personal rating is also on the rise and she’s leapfrogged Opposition Leader Tony Abbott as preferred prime minister.

Ms Gillard jumped from 36 per cent a fortnight ago to 40 per cent in the Newspoll published in The Australian on Tuesday.

Mr Abbott sank three points to 37 per cent.

The Australian said this was Mr Abbott’s lowest personal rating since he became opposition leader in 2009.

It said voters could be punishing Mr Abbott’s “aggressive” pursuit of embattled MP Craig Thomson.

But the bad news for both leaders is that 60 per cent of voters say they are dissatisfied with their performance.

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