Laser Light Show To Illuminate The Shard

By M@ |

External completion of Western Europes tallest building will be officially celebrated on 5 July, and with quite a light show. Make sure you can see the Shard at 10.15pm, when 12 lasers and 30 searchlights will illuminate the landmark. The spectacle will be streamed live via the Shards website and Facebook page for those who arent in town.

In what could be interpreted as either a show of supremacy or fraternalism, the 309-metre-tall building will send out coloured lasers to 15 of Londons less lofty landmarks, including the Gherkin, London Eye and Tower Bridge. The effulgent extravaganza will be soundtracked by Aaron Coplands Fanfare for the Common Man and the Finale from Stravinskys Firebird Suite, performed live by the London Philharmonic Orchestra.

Tickets to ascend the tower will go on sale the following day, although the viewing platform wont be ready until February 2013. More details on prices and booking soon.

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