Leander woman busted for drugs after boyfriend snorts bath salts

4f57debbcd57b.preview 300 Leander woman busted for drugs after boyfriend snorts bath salts Leander woman busted for drugs after boyfriend snorts bath salts

poweredby FFFFFF Leander woman busted for drugs after boyfriend snorts bath salts

A Leander woman is facing felony drug charges after police responded to a report of an agitated man who was having a seizure.

Investigators soon figured out that the man on the ground was not having a seizure but was apparently under the influence of a narcotic, according to the felony complaint.

Monica Lee Champion, 33, told police that her boyfriend was actually “under the influence of bath salts” that he had snorted up his nose.

Champion then reportedly pulled two clear plastic baggies out of her shirt that held a white powdery substance and told police it was her boyfriend’s bath salts.

Officers tested the substance for the presence of cocaine and methamphetamine, but the test was negative.

Police then checked the woman’s vehicle where they said they found a marijuana stem, and during a probable cause search, investigators found what they said was a partially smoked marijuana cigarette, an unsmoked marijuana joint and a marijuana pipe.

Champion then reportedly admitted that she had a pipe in her pants where police found a glass pipe rolled in a paper towel that had a burned substance believed to be methamphetamine. After finding the pipe, the officer also located a plastic bag of what was believed to be crystal meth.

Police said the marijuana totaled 0.6 grams and the meth weighed in the baggy came to 0.4 grams


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