Learn the truth about cats from The Oatmeal

How to Tell If Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You is not only a hilarious read, it tells the truth about cats.

Books about cats too often either focus on cats as harbingers of mystery (cats were worshiped in Ancient Egypt!) or provide rather trite poetry about cats sleeping on windowsills.

In contrast, The Oatmeal, or Matthew Inman, has given us the truth: cats want our attention and our tuna fish.

How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You is part manual/part graphic novel. It includes such helpful “how to” guides as “How to Pet a Kitty” and “The 3 Ways of Dealing with Cat Litter.” In addition, there is the so-true-it-hurts-to-laugh “Cat Vs Internet” and entirely apropos “How Kittens are Plotting to Take Over the World.”

The supposed extremeness of some of these guides is off-set by the complete accuracy of Inman’s observations and drawings. Inman shows us cats as they truly behave–not the sweet, aloof, supposedly wise creatures of myth, but the demanding, self-centered tricksters that actually live in our houses and take up our time.

The first third of the book does jar slightly with a Dilbert-like story “The Bobcats,” which details the activities of two cats in the workplace. Once you accept the premise, the story is very funny, but it is not as immediately amusing as some of the other sections, which hit closer–literally–to home.

This is not a book to bypass. Not only are cats shown in their true furry brashness, but human behavior is accurately depicted. The books contains a number of witty gems, including a hilarious, entirely unexpected, tribute to Star Wars. Check it out or pick it up from the nearest bookstore–just remember, your cat might lay on it, throw up on it, or otherwise demolish it should you leave it lying around.

Source Article from http://www.examiner.com/review/learn-the-truth-about-cats-from-the-oatmeal?cid=rss

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