Learn to be a mermaid at Weeki Wachee Springs in Florida

In How about that

Weeki Wachee Springs in Florida is training ordinary women to be real-life mermaids 

Mermaid school

Rebecca and Joseph Fosett along with kids Daisy, 13, and Leo, 10 pose for a family photograph with their camel Kazak around the kitchen table at their home  in Idlicote , Warwickshire. The family's six camels - named Ruby, Sahara, Sophia, Kokoso, Kazak and Veneta - live in fields surrounding their village home. The family have turned their pets into a thriving business, regularly taking friends, family and paying customers on treks across the countryside...  

The camel family

Crochet London taxi cab,  November 2011 

Hooked on crochet

Euro 2012: quirky photos of the build-up to the football tournament 

Countdown to kick off

Euro 2012: which of these animals will be this year's Paul the Psychic Octopus? 

The new psychic octopus?


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